Quanta Q Plus C EVO Vs Pico


By now you may have done a fair bit of research on laser tattoo removal and maybe a little confused by all the information that is out there. So who do you believe?

Well, here at NuBare Laser Tattoo Removal we did a lot of research when it came to purchasing our laser machine because we not only wanted the newest, state-of-the-art laser, but we wanted one with amazing, proven results. Alarm bells rang for us when we saw that there were multiple lawsuits against PicoSure for falsely claiming to remove tattoos. And this is why we went with the Quanta Q Plus C EVO over the PicoSure laser.

For you as a consumer researching laser tattoo removal on the wonderful World Wide Web, you will have been bombarded with many amazing claims on technology. However, just because you read it, it doesn’t mean it is true! This can become very confusing so we have decided to break it down for you and tell you what we found in our extensive research.

At NuBare Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic when we were researching the best laser system on the market for tattoo removal for our clinic, we were open-minded and looked purely for results-based documentation and were not blindsided by clever marketing techniques. The Quanta Q Plus C EVO certainly produced the goods when it came to showing real photos of amazing tattoo removals.

PicoSure has one of the best marketing campaigns presently running, but the proof is in the pudding when it comes to results. This is evident in the current lawsuit in Sydney (see below) and the class action lawsuit in the USA against PicoSure for their false claims.


And more recently in Australia another lawsuit. (See below)

We did our research keeping two factors in mind; how do we offer you the best service and how do we ensure you the best results. We feel that we have done our due diligence in determining which technology to use at NuBare Laser Tattoo Removal. The Quanta Q-Plus C is the best investment for NuBare and your skin. It offers you quality treatments with superior results.

Our feeling was and still is, that there is no comparison – the Quanta Q-Plus C is the gold standard of Laser Tattoo Removal in the industry and was the obvious choice for Nubare Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic.



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